Significato di alcune delle sigle contenute negli outlook PRETEMP:
- AGL: Above Ground Level
- BOLAM: Bologna Limited Area Model
- CAA: Cold Air Advection
- CAPE: Convective Available Potential Energy
- CB: Cumulonimbus
- CIN o CINH: Convective Inhibition
- CVA: Ciclonic Vorticity Advection
- DCVA: Differential Ciclonic Vorticity Advection
- DLS o DL shear: Deep Layer Shear (Shear 0-6 km)
- E: Est (east)
- ECMWF: modello meteorologico globale: European Center for Medium range Weather Forecast
- EL: Equilibrium Level
- EML: Elevated Mixed Layer
- GFS: modello meteorologico globale: Global Forecast System
- ICAPE: density-weighted Itegral of CAPE
- LAM: Limited Area Model
- LAMMA: Consorzio Lamma
- LCL: Lifted Concensation Level
- LFC: Level of Free Convection
- LI: Lifted Index
- LL: Low Level
- LLS o LL shear: Low Level shear (shear 0-1 km)
- MCS: Mesoscale Convective System
- MIXR: Mixing Ratio
- MLCAPE: Mixed Layer CAPE
- MLS: Medium Layer Shear (shear 0-3 km)
- MNW: MeteoNetwork
- MULI: Most Instable Lifted Index
- N: Nord
- NE: Nord Est
- NW: Nord ovest (west)
- PBL: Planetary Boundary Layer
- PC: Protezione Civile
- PRETEMP: Previsione Temporali
- PV: Potential Vorticity
- QLCS: Quasi Linear Convective System
- QG: Quasi Geostrophic
- S: Sud
- SBCAPE: Suface-Based CAPE
- SE: Sud-Est
- SFC: Surface
- SRH o SREH: Storm Relative (Enviromental) Elicity
- SW: Sud-ovest (west)
- THETA-E: equvalent potential temperature
- UVM: Upward Vertical Motion
- W: Ovest (west)
- WRF: modello "regionale" Weather Research and Forecast

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